Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Growing Up

I know this story is going to be super duper corny, but I just have to write it down. Tonight the kids were getting ready for bed and brushing their teeth. As they were brushing their teeth I realized that one of Nicholas' friends just found out that she had a loose tooth. I looked at Nicholas and said, "Hey buddy let's look and see if you have some wiggly teeth." When I looked in his mouth I saw an adult tooth coming in on the bottom behind one of his baby teeth! As dumb as I know this is going to sound, I almost cried. At the moment that I saw that adult tooth I realized that my little boy is growing up! He's turning into a real kid! All these memories seemed to just flash before my excited we were when we saw that first little tooth pop through, the sleepless nights that followed as more teeth popped through, and all those itty bitty baby toothed smiles that we see every day. Pretty soon he won't have those itty bitty baby toothed smiles anymore. They'll be....big ugly adult toothed smiles. Ya know how when kids get their adult teeth in, they haven't quite "grown into" their mouth yet? They have that awkward, big tooth look for a few years. That's what he's gonna look like. I guess the idea of a big toothed kid scares me a little. Right now he's getting big teeth, but pretty soon his face will grow into that mouth and that sweet, soft little baby face will disappear. It will be replaced by a young man face and soon after a man's face. This tiny little event of a loose tooth (not even a loose tooth actually, just a new tooth growing's not even loose yet!) turned into much more of a sentimental moment for me. I wasn't expecting the loss of a first tooth to bring up so many realizations about my little boy growing up! It's a tooth for crying out loud! I guess this moment is just a snapshot of the kinds of changes that will be affecting his life soon. I am just realizing what a big boy he is becoming and how sweet he is. Jeese, what am I going to be like on the first day of KINDERGARTEN???

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