Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bathtime Funnies

I was giving Maggie a bath tonight in our jetted garden tub. It is a little high up and I always have a hard time reaching over the side to wash her. So I was completely leaning up against the edge and my "chest" was squished up against the tub. Maggie looked at me and said, "I see your boobs. Are those your boobs mommy?" I held my laughter and said, "Those are my breasts." I said this with the hopes that the word "breasts" would deter her from saying it again. I thought the word "breasts" wasn't nearly as fun as "boobs." Well, I was wrong, it did not deter her. Instead she looked at me and said, "Mommy I see your breasts." I just leaned over and laughed and laughed. What a girl!

Friday, March 19, 2010

I love my sister

The other day I was on the phone with my friend Amy. She was telling me about something that was going on at school that I thought was of high importance. We were deep in conversation and I can hear Nicholas saying, "Mom, mom..." Now this happens frequently when I'm on the phone so I told him 'just a second' and went on with my conversation. He persisted with his "mom's" and I continued talking. Then I hear him say, "Mom I think Maggie locked herself in the bedroom!" I decided I should stop talking and figure this one out. So I hung up with my friend and went over to our bedroom door. I asked Nicholas, "What happened?" He said, "Maggie locked herself in the bedroom." Our doors are designed so that if you lock the door from the inside the only way to get in is a little hole in the middle of the handle that you can stick this little tool into and it is "supposed" to help you unlock it. After he said Maggie was in the room, I thought, "Wait a sec, Maggie can just onlock it. What's the problem?" So I yelled through the door to Maggie. I said, "Maggie, come unlock the door." She said, "I can't!" I said, "Why can't you unlock the door?" She said, "I'm in the cage!" (Wrigley's dog cage.) I said, "Why did you go in there?" She said, "Nicholas told me to." At this point I just looked at Nicholas. He had a smirk on his face and said, "It was an accident." Yeah, right! I was beginning to see the whole picture now. I told him calmly to go to his room. Maggie is crying and saying she wants out. I am trying not to laugh because the whole situation is just funny. I try getting her to think about other things, like singing songs or nursery rhymes to me. I could NOT get in the room. I had no idea what we were going to do. I finally said, "Maggie, try to unlock the cage from the inside." Eventually she said, "I got it Mom!" She excitedly came over and unlocked the bedroom door. Meanwhile, Nicholas is still in his room waiting for me to talk to him. The little stink pot kept telling me that it was an accident, but by the look on his face I could tell it was NOT an accident.