Monday, January 18, 2010

Beauty Shop Guys

So I am sitting here thinking about what the plan is for our day off is (it's MLK day)...I look over in the living room and see Maggie applying fake eye shadow to her daddy's face. She sprays his hair ever so gently (yeah right) and tells him that the "water helps to shape his cheeks." Nicholas is sneakily creeping out of the bedroom with something behind his back. What is it? Ooh, the nose trimmers! This could be dangerous! While Nick makes his move on Daddy with the nose trimmers Maggie sneaks over to make her move on me with the spray bottle. She stops after Daddy says, "Not when she's on the computer, honey." I love it, Nicholas is combing Mark's goatee with the nose trimmers because he isn't allowed to turn them on. What's even more endearing about this situation is that Daddy is sitting patiently and actually seems to be enjoying himself. After putting the perfume bottle lid in Mark's ear to "get the earwax out," Maggie starts to put bracelets on Daddy. I love these days! I am off to get my "treatment" now.

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