Sunday, May 22, 2011

Another tooth...

I know I got a little sappy when Nicholas had his bottom two teeth pulled...first tooth lost, etc. But he actually lost his first real tooth yesterday!!! It wasn't pulled out, it actually was wiggly and fell out. (Well, my mom pulled it out while she was babysitting, but it wasn't pulled out by a dentist.) I wonder if other parents get as excited about these things as I do? I guess I'm excited because I remember what it felt like to lose my teeth as a kid. I LOVED having a loose tooth and the tooth fairy coming...I loved it all! It's fun to share those little moments with your kids, knowing how they might feel. I guess I think about it more too because it's just another sign that he is growing up. He is turning into such a sweet, caring little boy. He is so intuitive and thoughtful of others, all while being hysterically funny and witty. It's so awesome to have such a wonderful little guy! Now....I need to go put a little moo-lah under a little boy's pillow. :)

Dirty Rug

We have been needing a new vacuum for quite a long time. Ours leaves stuff all over the floor after we have gone over it 3 or 4 times. Ridiculous. Anyway, we had gone waaaay too long without vacuuming when Maggie commented on one of the rugs by the washer and dryer. She said to me, "Mommy, that rug is dirtier than a groundhog on Sunday!"

After asking her to repeat herself, just to make sure I heard correctly, I laughed so hard! I was baffled because I have never in my life said anything like that. I know Mark hadn't...where could she have heard that from??? I just figured probably from TV somewhere.

Then it occurred to me...could this child have inherited "Markisms?" Seriously! I know that Mark has always been known for his quirky sayings but could it be possible that it can actually be something that is passed on to your child??? Oh Lord. What have we created?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Groundhog's Day!

It was shortly after Groundhog's Day. Nicholas and Maggie had learned and talked about Groundhog's Day at school. As I was getting ready for the day in my room, I overheard Nicholas say to Mark, "Hey dad, did you hear about the beaver and his shadow?" He said it like it was just the coolest thing in the world. I love how much that kid makes me laugh!!

Where does she come up with this stuff??

Recently Maggie has been on quite a roll with funny little quotes. The other day she was getting ready to brush her teeth with a new toothbrush and toothpaste that she got at school. She looked at me and said, "If I have tears in my eyes, it's not because I'm crying, it's because I'm falling in love." Seriously.

Another funny was the other day when she and Mark were playing "lion." She had Mark under the kitchen table with the chairs all around because he was in his "cage." Mark got out to take a break and I asked him where Maggie was. He said, "I don't know, she said she is washing her lion or something." (She has a stuffed Simba that her sweet cousin Kasey gave her.) It dawned on me that she knew what cleaning a lion looked like. I said out loud, "Please tell me she isn't licking Simba!" From out of nowhere and almost immediately I hear a "Well, actually, I am." Mark and I laughed so hard neither of us could speak. I couldn't see her because she was sitting under the counter at our bar area. Mark said she was trying to pick the fuzz from Simba off her tongue.

She (and Nicholas) make me laugh EVERY day. Sometimes I wonder if all parents are as amused by their own children as I am. I look forward to everything they will say next because you just NEVER know what will come out of their mouths.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Blogging Again

Okay, so I took a bit of a hiatus from blogging. It is so hard to find time to continue adding stories! But I know it is so important so I am going to try harder to make time.

The other day we measured Maggie at roughly 37 inches. She weighed 31 pounds. It dawned on me that she was finally big enough to sit in a booster seat instead of a car seat! Of course Maggie is so excited about sitting in a booster seat! Secretly, I am too because it will be so much easier than dealing with coats getting caught in the buckle. Yay!

So as I'm driving down the road yesterday, it really hit me. Maggie is getting too big for a toddler car seat. :( It made me teary to think that she is really growing up!!! As I continue to think about it, I also realize that after just ONE more year in preschool she will be in KINDERGARTEN. I can't believe how quickly both of my kids have grown! I truly know now how true it is when people say "they grow up fast."