So here we are's now 2015! 2015. I have not blogged in FOUR years!! (Yikes!) Although Maggie and Nicholas have grown to 9 and 11, they still say the funniest things and still continue to amaze me. I find that in the hustle and bustle of our busy days I spend less and less time reflecting on these moments. Sadly, I spend less time re-living those funny little moments that slip by so quickly. Tonight I was overcome with sadness, horror and disappointment in the world around me. What can I do about all the horrible, tragic things happening around me? Those people that have no value for life, the cancer that runs rampant everywhere and affects everyone...what can I do about that? Well...I don't know. I really don't. But what I do know is that I can appreciate this little bubble that I live in and hug my family a little tighter. I can blog about the funny things my kids do because it makes me feel happy about this world and what I have. So....a story.
Last Sunday in church Father Bob gave a touching homily about how people no longer value life, he spoke of abortion, etc. It was extremely meaningful and powerful. Unlike every other Sunday, everyone clapped upon completion of his homily. So, then fast forward to this past Sunday...Nicholas is sitting next to me continuously asking "is it over yet? What time is it?" He was more than done. I encourage him to watch and listen to Father Bob's great message. Finally Fother Bob finishes, Nicholas' head pops up and he begins to slam his hands together in a nice slow clap! Not today buddy, not today. :)